
We’re looking for candidates who are quick learners and have experience in scripting/programming. They should be prepared for an intensive learning period, where they will need to absorb vast amounts of knowledge in a short amount of time.

Bootcamp Syllabus


Learn how to write effective scripts, handle text processing, and manage errors.

VCS & Git

Learn how to setup, manage and use git—understanding basic branching strategies.


Learn how to dockerize applications effectively.


Learn how to write python scripts, implement REST services, and function in a development team.

Networks, Application topologies, Docker Compose

Learn how to implement popular runtime topologies using docker.

AWS Basics

Learn how to configure secure networks and use central AWS services.

Jenkins, CI Pipelines

Learn how to install, configure and use Jenkins to implement CI pipelines, Multi-branch pipelines, and advanced CI/CD patterns using groovy and cloud.

Infrastructure as Code

Using Terraform to provision cloud resources and manage environments.

Kubernetes and Helm

Learn how to setup and configure K8S clusters. Learn how to deploy stateless and stateful application topologies over the K8S cluster


Learn how to implement the GitOps pattern as part of an overall CI/CD process involving Jenkins and ArgoCD.

Logging and Monitoring

Learn how to setup and configure monitoring and alerting using ELK, Prometheus, and Grafana.


Become certified with a highly-recognized and highly-valued certification, such as a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) or an AWS Certified Solutions Architect — Associate (CSAA)!