How to safely cross the Ocean of AWS APN Service Path – Partner Scorecard Explained 

How to safely cross the Ocean of AWS APN Service Path – Partner Scorecard Explained 

December 24, 2023
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We’re back with the second article of our series, where we’ll explore how to establish a strong relationship with AWS through the Service Path.

If you read my previous article, you already understand why companies should partner with AWS and you are probably interested in more practical knowledge and insights of how to progress and attain the prestigious status of being an Advanced Partner on the AWS Service Path.

To progress with the AWS Service Path, we must understand what AWS expects from its partners. The more we at Develeap progress along the AWS Service Path, the more I understand why these are the specific achievements AWS expects from their partners on this path and why Advanced Partner status is so prestigious. You see, partnering with AWS is a win-win situation. The more you advance with your Scorecard, the more you advance your team’s professionality, and as a result, provide a better service for your clients, which are AWS clients as well. It’s not an easy or simple mission, but this is the way, in my opinion, to push and motivate your team and organization to reach new heights. 

In this article, we will dive into the partner Scorecard metrics and its three key components:

The partner scorecard, consisting of:

  • Knowledge
    • AWS Accredited Individuals (Technical, Business) 
    • AWS Foundational Certified Individuals 
    • AWS Technical Certified Individuals 
    • AWS Technical Certified Individuals Pro or Specialty
  • Experience
    • Launched opportunities
    • Monthly recurring revenue minimum
    • Business Plan
  • Customer Success
    • Publicly Referenceable Customers
    • Customer Satisfaction Responses

Excelling Knowledge on AWS Scorecard

The “Knowledge” aspect centers on the expertise and certifications that AWS expects your company to possess. Obtaining an “AWS Accredited Individuals” equips individuals with the foundational knowledge of AWS concepts and services, a fundamental step toward AWS Certification.

AWS Accredited Individuals:

AWS mandates a specific number of unique individuals in your company to possess AWS Technical Professional and AWS Business Professional accreditations. Dedicated courses, such as “AWS Partner: Accreditation (Technical)” and “AWS Partner: Sales Accreditation (Business),” available on the AWS Skill Builder tool, are recommended to meet this requirement.

Note: The AWS Skill Builder Tool:

The AWS Skill Builder tool opens doors to over 600 free courses, sandbox environments in the AWS Management Console, game-based learning experiences, and official practice exams for AWS certifications. Its significance is profound, and you can read more about it here. Most of the content is free of charge for partners and all their employees.

Click on sign in: 

as AWS Partner Network:

Welcome in!

AWS Foundational Certified Individuals: To fulfill this requirement, your company must have a specific number of unique individuals holding the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification, validating a foundational understanding of AWS cloud concepts and services.

AWS Technical Certified Individuals (Associate): AWS expects a specific number of unique individuals in your company to hold AWS Certifications at the Associate level. Compliance is based on the highest-level certification held by each individual, showcasing a comprehensive understanding and proficiency in specific AWS technologies or domains.

AWS Technical Certified Individuals (Professional or Specialty): This requirement highlights AWS’s expectation for individuals in your company to possess certifications at the Professional or Specialty level. These advanced certifications indicate in-depth knowledge and expertise in specific AWS technologies or domains. 

How to develop your company’s AWS knowledge plan:

Assess your team’s existing knowledge, identify areas for improvement, and create a knowledge plan aligning with your company’s expertise expectations. Nurture team members through relevant training and certifications to ensure alignment with your company’s goals.

So far, we’ve tackled the fundamental “Knowledge” side and explored the powerful AWS Skill Builder tool. 

Excelling Experience on AWS Scorecard

Now, let’s dive into the next dimension — “Experience.” This part of the partner scorecard is all about practical know-how and hitting milestones in your journey with AWS. It’s like taking a hands-on adventure, working side by side with AWS to grow and succeed together. 

This component of the partner scorecard delves into the practical expectations and milestones that AWS has set for your company, shaping a narrative of hands-on engagement and collaborative growth within the AWS ecosystem. 

Launched opportunities:

A pivotal factor in the partner scorecard is the number of launched opportunities, along with the total combined estimated monthly recurring revenue (MRR) minimum. The “Current Tier Renewal” column signifies the opportunities launched since your last Tier Review Date, resetting on your APN Renewal date or upon a tier upgrade. The “Upgrade” column reflects the count of opportunities launched over a rolling 12-month period.

Why launched opportunities matter:

Launching opportunities is vital for AWS to gain insights into your activities, clients, and overall progress. Each opportunity provides a chance to furnish project details, enabling AWS to understand your involvement and extend support. A dedicated article will follow, providing detailed guidance on effectively submitting opportunities.

Monthly recurring revenue minimum:

The Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) minimum is calculated based on the sum of launched opportunities. It serves as a performance indicator, showcasing your ability to generate ongoing revenue through engagements.

Partner Business Plan:

To solidify your partnership with AWS, developing and maintaining a documented business plan is crucial. This plan should outline specific objectives and goals related to your APN membership, validated by your AWS Partner Development contact to ensure alignment with AWS’s expectations.

The primary goal of your business plan should be to drive business growth while ensuring customer satisfaction. Setting clear objectives and strategies will enable you to navigate your partnership with AWS successfully.

So far, we’ve delved into the fundamental aspects of the “Experience” side, navigating the intricate landscape of milestones and practical engagements within the AWS ecosystem.

Excelling the Customer Success realm of AWS Scorecard

As we set sail for our next adventure, let’s talk about “Customer Success.” During this phase, we look at the ultimate measure of success — the satisfaction and success of our clients — rather than the hands-on adventure. We’ll dig into key metrics that illuminate your standing within the AWS ecosystem and reinforce your commitment to excellence.

Publicly Referenceable Customers:

This metric counts the number of public references submitted by designating previously launched opportunities as publicly referenceable or creating new references within Partner Central. The columns indicate references obtained since your last Tier Review Date, resetting on your APN Renewal date, or upon tier upgrade.

Customer Satisfaction Responses:

This counts the customer responses obtained via the “Rate the Partner” button from Partner Solution Finder. The columns indicate responses obtained since your last Tier Review Date, resetting on your APN Renewal date, or upon tier upgrade. Responses can be viewed in the Customer Reviews section of your scorecard, provided customers have consented to share them.


In this article, we talked about the aspects of the Service Path: Partner Scorecard—a must-know for our partnership journey.

We explored Knowledge, Experience, and Customer success—it’s like our journey’s playbook.

Getting what the Scorecard is about is the key to climbing the AWS partner ladder. It’s not just ticking boxes; it’s a live journey shaping how our DevOps experts work and keeping our clients satisfied.

What’s up next? We’re diving into opportunities—why they are a big deal and how to submit them properly. The adventure is just getting started, so join us as we sail into the world of AWS opportunities together!

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